Ariana Grande
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Ariana's chart wheel

Ariana Grande

June, 26th 1993 Local Time 9:16 PM Universal Time 1:16 AM on the 27th

Boca Raton, FL 26°22'N, 80°08'W

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Ariana Grande

June, 26th 1993 Local Time 9:16 PM Universal Time 1:16 AM on the 27th

Boca Raton, FL 26°22'N, 80°08'W

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Young Life

Welcome to Ariana's Young Life profile. Its purpose is to give a unique insight into Ariana's character and potential including her strengths and weaknesses, talents and qualities, needs and desires. It will help guide Ariana through the minefield of choices and decisions which lie ahead on her individual journey through life.

As Ariana's Profile is extremely specific, it requires an accurate birth time. If you do not know the precise time of Ariana's birth, some sections of the information may not be relevant although the overall interpretation will still be valid.

Young Life is divided into 3 Chapters - detailed on the next page.

Chapter 1 - Laying Down Foundations
Chapter 2 - Process of Development - Toddler to Teenager
Chapter 3 - Preparing for Independence

The 'Aspects' or individual characteristics are given a Star Rating from one to five to show their relative importance in the Profile. To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five stars, the more dark stars there are the more important the connection.

In order to produce a valid and balanced report it is necessary to define both the positive and negative qualities of Ariana. When reading Young Life you will find both the positive and negative qualities of Ariana defined. Most people will be happy to learn about the positive ones, while others may get upset over the negative ones.

We all possess contradictions in our personality; they are what give us our uniqueness. With Young Life we have tried to balance all qualities as much as possible so you get a good overview. Some Young Persons have more positive charts while others have some difficulties indicated in their charts and this will manifest in their personality.

The 'Young Life' profile as outlined here is not set in stone and can be developed positively with your help. If the profile is positive you simply support and direct Ariana. Where the profile indicates difficulties for Ariana, guidance, direction and boundaries will be important.

Young Life is suitable for any young person from about sixteen months old and upwards. That is when she will start manifesting the qualities described. If you are having this profile prepared for a newly born child you will have to wait some time before it begins to make sense and be of value.

Chapter 1 - Laying Down Foundations

1. Essential Character - this profiles the general trends and outstanding characteristics of Ariana's personality, and includes the nature of her relationship with her father.

However this is not easily defined* so the section entitled 'Emotional and Feeling Nature' must be considered carefully together with this opening section.

* Between the first two sections, which deal essentially with father and mother there is a short section on 'The Dominant Parent'. We do not try to come to a definitive conclusion here but tradition states that the father is externally dominant and the mother is emotionally, or internally, dominant. Make your own decision as to which parent fits the bill best.

2. Emotional and Feeling Nature - this shows how the more passive and sensitive side of Ariana's nature is likely to develop and also comments on the nature of the relationship with her mother.

3. At this point we look more directly at the Relationship Between Ariana and her Mother.

4. Face and Persona - this is a description of Ariana's physical nature; and also her general approach to the world; the way she sees it; and the way she likes to be seen. For instance, does she wear rose-tinted glasses or does she view the world from behind dark glasses?

Chapter 2 - Process of Development - Toddler to Teenager

1. Assertiveness - this describes how Ariana makes her presence felt and if she is essentially active or passive. Does she like to push her way to the front, or stay determinedly in the background?

2. Friends and Social Attitudes - this looks at how Ariana will get on with others. For instance, will she be a bit of a loner, have hundreds of friends, or just a few who are useful, and so on.

3. Power of the Mind - this describes the approach Ariana is likely to take towards the intellectual and academic side of her life and how she will respond to the strictness of education.

4. Earning and Spending Money - this looks at how Ariana will handle the money in her pocket or purse. Spendthrift or miser? Such traits establish themselves early and tend to remain with us all our lives.

Chapter 3 - Preparing for Independence

1. Higher Education and Establishing Values - this section describes how Ariana, approaching complete independence, lays down the belief and educational framework that will sustain her through her adult life.

2. Approach to Daily Working Life - this looks at how Ariana is likely to fare in the harsh world of work. What drive, if any, she has to succeed and how she will deal with the inevitable day-to-day necessities of work.

3. Career and Ambitions - this final section examines how Ariana might approach the business of how to make her mark on life, and what areas might be the most productive for her as she grows steadily older.

Chapter 1 - Laying Down Foundations - Essential Character

The Sun signifies our inner sense of identity, and our will. It is the single most important planet in our birth chart and generally describes what we are seeking to become through the journey of life, or perhaps our 'destiny'.

Force to be Reckoned With

Sun in Cancer

Those who are born during the month-long period when the Sun is in the sign of Cancer, are often dismissed as 'moody, shy and weepy'. It may come as some surprise, therefore, to learn that Ariana is very much a force to be reckoned with.

The word 'force' is carefully chosen. Cancer is a Cardinal sign, and cardinality implies drive, initiative and impetus. Water (Cancer's Element) is a powerful body and, when allied with impetus, it becomes the most dangerous medium there can be. So Ariana should not be underestimated.

Let's take another look at 'moody, shy and weepy':

Her 'shyness' is not timidity, but a cloak for her feelings, a protection against emotional exposure. Any tendency towards being weepy is prompted by her soft heart, her deeply sentimental nature, her sensitivity, for Ariana is immensely empathetic. And her frequent changes of mood are caused by the rapid passage each month of the Moon (Cancer's ruler) through all twelve signs of the Zodiac, shaping her responses, emotions and instincts in a variety of different ways.

Underneath Ariana's protective shell is a kind and caring nature, which in turn surrounds a rock-hard nugget of determination. This determination, fuelled by her forceful cardinality, won't allow her to take a back seat in life, and she'll surge ahead like a tidal wave, sweeping everything before her. Allied to her drive and motivation are excellent executive and managerial skills.

The sign of Cancer is associated with motherhood and the family. Ariana will be driven by a need to nurture and protect those dear to her, and will defend them to the death if necessary. Her loyalty to those she loves is unquestioning and unconditional. Her home is her castle, and her family is her pride and joy.

As a young child, she may be somewhat 'clingy', but this is because her sense of emotional security is always rather vulnerable. When older, she may develop 'clannish' tendencies and be rather territorial, for she derives comfort from her surroundings.

And if she has enjoyed a safe and happy childhood in a warm and loving home, she could be reluctant as an adult to leave the nest at all! She may reckon that somewhere new is never likely to be as secure and comfortable as the tried and tested; the familiar. Even if she does eventually move out, she'll probably return home with her laundry! every week for years.

Highly imaginative, Ariana is likely to be creative and artistic. She may also be gifted with the happy knack of making money, and the even happier knack of hanging on to it! Money usually takes on great emotional significance to people like Ariana, who may not feel entirely secure unless there is a spare 1,000 or so lying untouched in the bank.

Money will not be the only thing she hangs on to. Ariana will find it hard to relinquish anything, and will carry round with her, all her years, the accumulation of a lifetime. Old school books, old toys, old clothes, old memories, old friends and old lovers even old hurt and wounds, too, unfortunately. Ariana has a long memory and does not find it easy to forget.

In love she may mask her feelings, fearing rejection, afraid to trust, for she is emotionally vulnerable. But once she feels secure in a relationship, her love will be deep and generous. She likes to be cherished and comforted, and loves to cherish and comfort in return. And, of course, nobody cuddles quite as well as Ariana!

Ariana's Wilfulness


High Standard

Sun in the 6th House

'Dignity through work' could well prove to be her motto. In establishing her own personal identity she will seek to bring the very highest standards to everything she does. But she'll expect appreciation for her qualities - and rightly so.

In this way she might be seen as difficult to understand when young because she will be a curious mixture being on the one hand extremely tidy in some things, on the other, incredibly messy in others. She can be very humble at times and very arrogant at others.

Those who - like Ariana - have the Sun in the sixth house, are here to show by example, to streamline, and to improve, they can sometimes have scant regard for human frailty.


'Close One'

Sun Squares Moon

Emotional conflicts, dominate Ariana's life whenever she attempts to express herself. It's as if she doesn't know what role to play with others or you, whether to adapt to the present situation and give a conditioned response or to be herself and say or do what she really wants. Therefore, she will experience tension and frustration in all her relationships, which may be difficult for her to resolve, clinging to one person one moment and pushing them away the next.

Basically Ariana will be very ambivalent both in her feelings and her outward actions, which can be quite confusing for those around her. Remaining steadfast in the face of such possibly contradictory conduct will prove very helpful in the long run.


Sun Sextiles Mars

Action is the key to Ariana's self-expression. She easily gets what she wants out of life because she will be a confident individual who believes in herself. She will have drive, initiative, and motivation, and these qualities give her leadership potential with others looking to her to show them the way. She will always take great pride in her physical prowess and love to display it, which lesser mortals may find overpowering.

Life for her is a great adventure, there is nothing more enjoyable for her than to physically throw herself in to life and do battle. With plenty of energy and enthusiasm she will always be ready to tackle any task and execute it rapidly. This can mean that an attention to detail disappears in the whirlwind of activity. She will need an adventurous and challenging life style, and one in which she can compete - and win!


'Close One'

Sun Squares Jupiter

Ariana will probably be excessive in all that she does - she goes overboard. Although she will be incurably optimistic she might well also be more than a little prone to exaggeration and boasting.

She could possibly suffer from hyperactivity as a young child. She is likely to take on more than she can really handle therefore, she needs to learn how to work within her limits rather than trying to attempt more than she can accomplish. This quality can make her unreliable. However, her undying enthusiasm always makes her endearing.

Common Sense

Sun Trines Saturn

Ariana will always know her own limitations and work within them comfortably. She will display a natural maturity and responsibility. Common sense and practicality will be one of her hallmarks, she may not be entirely scintillating but she is reliable.

She is ambitious and will work hard to achieve her goals. Success will probably come to her fairly easily in all areas of life so her school career could prove both rewarding and a good launching pad for later life. Achievement is second nature to Ariana and she will require little help from anyone else as she grows up.

The Dominant Parent

In this section we are using traditional astrological rules for defining Ariana's relationship with her father. However this may well be more applicable to Ariana's Mother. Generally one or other of the parents has the strongest influence in developing Ariana's approach to the outside world. Traditionally this has been the father's role but it could perfectly well apply to her Mother, hence the use of the phrase 'The Dominant Parent'.



Scorpio 10th House Cusp

Ariana has an extremely emotional relationship with her father but it may be expressed in a rather difficult manner. Because it is not very open or readily admitted to, it is possible that it could show itself in power struggles and competitiveness.



Pluto in the 10th House

Intense and powerful feelings dominate Ariana's relationship with her father. Whether it has any basis in reality or not, Ariana will tend to see her father as a very powerful, fear-inspiring figure and, in later life, this could translate into a desire to dominate others.

The positive side to this relationship is that Ariana may well grow up with an ability to see through facades and cut to the core of a matter rapidly and thus prevent things festering. Because of Ariana's childhood power struggles with her father, she will always have the ability to understand power in all its manifestations and could well be attracted to politics later in life.

Emotional and Feeling Nature

In this section we shall examine how Ariana relates on an emotional level. This is traditionally associated with the maternal relationship but we have not made such an obvious assumption and the following section should not be read as being primarily concerned with the relationship between Ariana and her mother.

Astrologically, the Moon describes her responses, sensitivity, her feeling nature, and the unconscious side of her personality. It shows her emotions and these, of course, will be filtered, or highlighted, by the sign in which the Moon falls. Most importantly, the Moon shows Ariana needs.

It shows how she will react on an instinctive level.


Moon in Libra

Ariana needs someone by her side.

A parent, a friend, and later a partner, a lover, a mate - the security of a relationship - is what she needs in order to feel safe and secure. A contented and harmonious home life will be important to her. Ariana will be easily influenced and prepared to compromise her ideals in order to safeguard what she really wants. Being liked by everyone around her will be a priority. She will be sociable, understanding, naturally charming and eager to please.

Facets of Life and Areas of Experience

The Houses of the chart represent different facets of Ariana's life and areas of her experience which in turn are 'influenced by the Moon' in slightly different ways - as detailed below.


'The grass is greener'

Moon in the 9th House

She needs to be able to relate emotionally to a highly principled role model in her life, her mother would be the ideal candidate, and a strongly moral family framework will be essential to her sense of security. Emotionally restless, she may find commitment difficult.

Throughout her life, she may feel that 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence', and spend many years looking for a philosophy that will satisfy her longings, or spiritual enlightenment of some kind. As she grows up she may decide that a foreign culture gives her the kind of emotional nourishment she needs and she may make her home and raise a family abroad.

Fun Loving

'Close One'

Moon Conjuncts Jupiter

Ariana is emotionally confident, enthusiastic and optimistic; she believes that life will look after her and it usually will. Socially, she will be popular and sought after because she likes a good time and may well be a bit of a joker. Ariana is generous and tolerant of others mostly, but needs to be careful of assuming too much and going to extremes. It is likely that she has a very positive and fun relationship with her mother.

Ariana's Relationship with her Mother

It is important to understand that the relationship between Ariana and her mother will always be 'symbiotic'. In other words the way Ariana's Mother behaves towards her child and the way Ariana perceives her mother is so inextricably linked that it is hard to separate the one from the other. Does Ariana's mother react to Ariana or does Ariana react to her mother? This is perhaps the original chicken and egg question, and in this section we shall try to address this issue.


Moon in Libra

Ariana and her mother are probably good friends and offer each other companionship. Her mother tries very hard to please her and be liked by her, and much of their relationship revolves around being pleasant, kind and nice.

Therefore, Ariana - not wanting to upset her mother - may deny her own needs in order to keep her happy. She may repress any anger that she feels because of its unpleasantness, and deliberately avoid confrontations with her mother. If she doesn't like something, she won't either.

Basically, Ariana has a highly reflective nature, showing others - and particularly her mother - what they want to see. It would be productive for her mother to help her find her own identity and not be so reliant on others and their approval.



Moon in the 9th House

The relationship between Ariana and her mother should have a strong element of fun but may have a distant aspect to it in the sense that Ariana looks to her mother to teach her about the world while her mother is probably perfectly happy to play the role. The consequence of this and Ariana's natural curiosity is that together they inadvertently conspire towards an early flying from the nest.

Face or Persona

This section looks at how Ariana views the world and likes to be viewed by others. No matter what Ariana's essential nature may be, all of us have a 'face' that we put on for our nearest and dearest, as well as for public consumption and this section describes that 'face or persona'.

Upward Climb

Capricorn rising

From a very early age - maybe even before she is weaned - Ariana will have an air of dignity and reserve about her. She may appear rather shy and withdrawn as a child, and hold herself aloof from the rough and tumble of the school playground.

As a student, she is likely to apply herself well to her studies, particularly those that she believes will be of benefit to her in the future. Gaining qualifications and certificates of proficiency will help to increase her self-confidence, and her patient nature will be undaunted by the prospect of having to complete a lengthy period of training or an apprenticeship before she is able to make her way in the world. She is by nature a 'plodder': a tortoise rather than a Hare, and "slow and steady" is her motto.

Intensely loyal and dependable herself, she will be very selective in her choice of friends, and the friendships she makes will be strong and long lasting. In her circle of friends she is likely to be valued for her intelligent conversation and informed opinions - to say nothing of her dry and sometimes mordant comedic sense!

However, there is one area to which her sense of fun does not extend, and that is herself. Ariana cannot take a joke against herself, nor can she cope with embarrassment, humiliation, or being made to look foolish in any way. Clumsy practical jokes and teasing will hurt her and, ultimately, make her withdraw.

It would be easy - but quite wrong - to interpret her conservative and dignified manner as coldness. This pokerfaced exterior is adopted as a self-protective layer, for Ariana finds it impossible to show weakness of any kind, or even admit it to herself.

Those who manage to break through her 'cast-iron' exterior will find a proud, ambitious and perhaps somewhat surprisingly sensual person. She will have a tremendous appetite for the good things in life, and will be perfectly prepared to work hard for them. She has a strong need for security, so money will be important to her and she is the sort of person who will always have something put by 'for a rainy day'.

However, what will be of even more importance to Ariana, is something that money cannot buy: respect and status. It is this fundamental need for 'position', which will fuel Ariana in her climb upwards.

The second half of life is always more comfortable for those with a Capricorn Ascendant.

The restrictive and burdensome effects of Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, and therefore the ruler of Ariana's chart, begin to ease up considerably after the first thirty years or so, and the discipline and restraint of her youth will work to her advantage in maturity. It's true to say that, for Ariana, life really does begin at 40!

Chapter 2 - Process of Development - Toddler to Teenager


In this section we will be looking at the way in which Ariana finds her way through the rough and tumble of childhood and later life, without being pushed around by others. The methods and approaches she uses to make sure her own needs are met and how she deals with the needs of others when they are at odds with her own.


Hidden Strength

Mars in the 8th House

Ariana will not be immediately obvious as an assertive type, often preferring to hold back her temper and keep it to herself. However, when 'push comes to shove' she will prove to have an almost unlimited reservoir of internal strength. She will not run away from a fight. The simple truth is that she has hidden depths of strength that only get seen from time to time.

Friends and Social Attitudes

In this section we shall be looking at what sort of friends Ariana needs and what she is likely to bring to friendships herself. We shall also look at the way in which she is likely to interact with social groups or whether, for example, she would prefer to be on her own.


Strength of Opinion

Sagittarius 11th House Cusp

Ariana is very open by nature but especially to those she perceives as slightly exceptional in some way. It may be they are great at sports or they have strongly held philosophical views, or perhaps they are from a foreign culture. She will also be very loyal to her friends.

More on Ariana's Friends and Social Groups


Divide and Rule

Uranus in the 12th House

Ariana may well be rather secretive about her social life and her friends may not get to meet each other. There is an element of 'divide and rule' in Ariana's nature. She may swing between believing she should dedicate her life to the betterment of society, and regarding society as something to be manipulated for her own benefit. Either way she is unlikely to display a great deal of conventionality in her choice of social life.

Power of the Mind

In this section we indicate Ariana's communication and learning skills, her needs at school and requirements for her further education. Of particular interest to her parents will be how to talk and connect with her.



Aries 3rd House Cusp

Mentally, Ariana is bright and her mind is razor-sharp. She picks things up rapidly - and discards outworn and dated ideas just as quickly. Learning must be a highly stimulating process, otherwise she simply loses interest and switches off, and she learns by direct experience rather than through books. Having an incisive and combative mind, she will argue and debate every point. She is likely to be very competitive at school.

More about Ariana's Mental Approach

Shy and Sensitive

Mercury in Cancer

There is a shy and sensitive side to Ariana's nature, despite what may be apparent on the surface. Subtle nuances and undercurrents in the family and home environment are picked up and absorbed by her, and she is likely to be unusually close to her mother, mirroring her outlook and attitudes.

By no stretch of the imagination could Ariana be called a 'chatterbox', although she is far more talkative when in the security of her home than outside, but she can effectively communicate her feelings through moods and responses.

She may be quite emotional as a child, seeking reassurance from her family and her mother in particular, so hugs and cuddles will be far more effective in soothing her than words. Leaving the security of her family when she first starts school may be particularly scary, and a special plaything or toy tucked inside her school bag will do much to comfort her!


Cooperative and Easy-going

Mercury in the 7th House

Ariana likes nothing better than interacting and relating with others, and enjoys learning from them.

When older, she will seek an intelligent and mentally stimulating partner. She may marry for intellectual companionship and will be drawn to people with whom she can share a meeting of minds. There is also the possibility she may be strongly attracted to a partner who is her intellectual superior, for Ariana never misses the opportunity to learn something new.

Co-operative and easy-going in her dealings with others, her pleasant and charming ways will be a natural asset should she wish to become involved in the fields of public relations, broadcasting, or the arbitration, mediation and advisory services.


Mercury Opposes Uranus

There is a very stubborn streak in Ariana's nature. She may display an unwillingness or inability to compromise or to accommodate the viewpoints of others. Sometimes this obstinacy may lead her to 'cut off her nose to spite her face' or to persist in an untenable position for the sake of a principle.

In her desire to be outspoken and honest, she can be quite blunt in what she has to say. Tactful she's not!

Reality or Fantasy?

Mercury Opposes Neptune

A dreamy and highly imaginative child, Ariana may find it hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

This is not to say that she is in any way untruthful, of course. It's just that she has the unconscious ability to distort the hard facts of reality so that they may more comfortably fit in with her perception of a situation. It is the sort of viewpoint that allows, for instance, the bitter blow of redundancy to be seen as 'a wonderful chance to spend more time with the family'.


Mercury Trines Pluto

This is a child of formidable intellect. Her penetrating and resourceful mind - to say nothing of her phenomenal willpower - combine to ensure that Ariana is a force to be reckoned with!

Refusing to be fobbed off with superficial answers, she is relentless when probing for the truth in a situation. She has a wonderful ability to sift fact from fiction and to dig deep to get to the bottom of things. So if there are any skeletons in family cupboards, be sure that Ariana will unearth them!

Earning and Spending Money

In this section we shall look at how Ariana is likely to develop in terms of her attitude towards the acquisition and expenditure of money.



Aquarius 2nd House Cusp

Ariana will display an original and unorthodox attitude towards making money. Her innovative ideas and unusual approach to traditional and conventional methods could be the source from which her income springs. She is likely to spend her money on all sorts of weird and wonderful ways!



Saturn in the 2nd House

This astrological placement confers a sensible fear of poverty and, because of this, Ariana is likely to take a frugal and prudent approach to finances, and value the protective security of money in the bank.

She may have to sweat for her money. Material success is likely to come only as the result of a great deal of hard work, and later in life than Ariana might wish it to be! But her patience, realism, stamina and level headed caution will combine well with ambition to ensure her eventual success.

More about Ariana's Attitude Towards Finances


Venus in Taurus

Ariana has a loyal and steady approach to her associates. Financially she'll want to feel stable and secure, and will be happy to reciprocate these needs to those close to her. Although at times she can appear quite reserved, this masks a deep and passionate nature. She can be strongly jealous of any situation or person that she feels is a threat to her financial security.


Subtle Influence

Venus in the 4th House

Furthermore, Ariana's attitude to her home and family will have a subtle influence on the way she makes her money. She may choose to work in the professions that are focused around essentially 'domestic' businesses such as the buying and selling of houses, catering, etc.

Chapter 3 - Preparing for Independence

Higher Education and Establishing Values

In this section we shall examine how Ariana is likely to find her place in society, as she grows older. What standards she will set for herself and what she values most. This will probably not become clear until Ariana has reached at least the puberty stage.


Libra in 9th House

Libra 9th House Cusp

For Ariana human relationships, the law, and arbitration skills are likely to determine Ariana's choice in the world of further education. If she can see a way to enhancing these skills she will apply herself fully.

More about Ariana's Philosophy and Further Education

Jupiter in Libra

Jupiter in Libra

Ariana is likely to be highly principled, with a strong sense of justice. The law, and egalitarian issues, will be of particular interest and concern to her, and could well be the subject of study in higher education. She will also probably decide, from the social point of view that, going on to further education is an excellent idea.

Ariana's Education


Jupiter in 9th House

Jupiter in the 9th House

The importance of broadening her outlook and acquiring knowledge cannot be over-estimated, and Ariana's aim in life is to share her knowledge with others. She would make an excellent and inspirational teacher.

Fair-minded and tolerant, her sense of justice could also indicate an interest in the workings of the law, all of which requires a good deal of education. If Ariana does not decide to go off and learn from the wider university of life she will extract a great deal from further education.

Jupiter Square Sun

'Close One'

Jupiter Squares Sun

Rather over-confident at times, Ariana may be tempted to cut corners, relying instead on the luck which never seems to desert her for very long, if at all!

She may be inclined to be a bit of a show-off, and rather excessive in her enthusiasms.

Overall Ariana may find that her natural faith in life is not always understood in the way she means it. Life may deal her blows but she does she have enough inner belief not to be swayed too much.

Jupiter Conjunct Moon

'Close One'

Jupiter Conjuncts Moon

A person in need could call on no kinder friend than Ariana. Her responsive sensitivity attunes her to the feelings of others, and she reacts instinctively with a mixture of warmth, comfort and sympathy, well watered with her own tears, it should be added, for she's inclined to be overly-emotional. She has great generosity of spirit.

Ariana's inner values are open to fluctuation and she may be vulnerable, briefly, to value systems that are not altogether right for her.

Approach to Daily Working Life

This section will look at how Ariana may approach the thorny problem of working for a living. Naturally this will not begin to show until her teenage years, but as with everything else, forewarned is forearmed and there will always be ways to produce the most positive outcome!


Gemini in 6th House

Gemini 6th House Cusp

Work for Ariana should involve the use of her hands or her agile and versatile communication skills.


Sun in 6th House

Sun in the 6th House

Ariana will express her individuality through service to others and by doing the best possible job she can. And she will have every reason to take pride in the work she does, whatever it may be, for she will be systematic, ordered and highly efficient, concerned with the smooth running of her daily life and tasks. Her contribution to society is extremely valuable and, although her role in life may not be ultra-glamorous, it will be utterly essential and worthy of respect.

More about Ariana's Likely Approach to Working Life

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer

Ariana is likely to be drawn to one of the care-giving occupations. Corporations dealing with family concerns and working with children, may appeal. Catering, real estate, and interior design are fields that may also attract her.


Mercury in 7th House

Mercury in the 7th House

Ariana's greatest strength as an employee lies in her ability to relate to people. This, coupled with her communication skills, could fit her for the work of a advisor or arbitrator, and would make her the ideal person to work in a marriage bureau! Her strong aesthetic sense could be put to productive use in for example, interior decoration.

Career and Ambitions

In this section we shall look at how Ariana might approach the outside world in terms of possible careers and potential ambitions as she grows to maturity. Naturally these traits are unlikely to show until Ariana is at least in her teens.


Pluto in 10th House

Pluto in the 10th House

Ariana will apply her unbreakable will to matters concerned with career. She will experience an overwhelming desire to succeed, and will allow nothing to stand in her way.

But this does not mean she will simply bulldoze her way to the top. No one is more skilled than Ariana when it comes to seeing the need for change and, at crucial stages of her career, she may 're-invent' herself in order to achieve her aims.

More about Ariana's Possible Career Approaches

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn in Pisces

Ariana is likely to grow up with an over-developed social conscience and a life-long sense of responsibility towards her fellow Man. Therefore, it would be practical as well as satisfying if she were to choose a career which would enable her to use her considerable strengths for the benefit of others.

Her lofty ideals, her sensitivity and awareness, and her humility, combined with her pragmatism and ability to focus on her aims, may steer her into one of the caring professions. She would probably make an excellent fund-raiser for charity, for instance. Or she would do well as the manager of a hospital, or hospice, where commercial considerations must walk hand-in-hand with compassion.

Whichever field she chooses to work in, Ariana is likely to keep a low public profile. She will shy away from the razzle-dazzle of publicity which high office often brings in order that she may work quietly and effectively behind the scenes.

Ariana may be somewhat confused about career issues, and it may not be before maturity, and perhaps some false starts along the way, that she is able to see clearly the way ahead.

This delay may be caused by fear of the unknown, lack of self-belief in her skills, or by her inability to let go of the past and forget the mistakes she may have made in it. She has a marked tendency to brood destructively over 'what might-have-been'.

If she is to succeed in her career, Ariana must learn how to take constructive action, not waste her time in bitter regret; and should learn how to focus on what can be a very positive side of her character - once she understands how to pin down her weird and wonderful dreams.


Saturn in 2nd House

Saturn in the 2nd House

With her level headed and cautious approach, Ariana could do extremely well in the financial world, to her, handling large amounts of money is the next best thing to owning it herself! or she may be drawn to a career in real estate. Whether it's money, property development, or working on the land, it's all a form of 'investment', and this is what will interest Ariana most: getting a return of some kind.

Ariana's Planetary Positions

June, 26th 1993 Local Time 9:16 PM Universal Time 1:16 AM on the 27th

Boca Raton, FL 26°22'N, 80°08'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Squares Moon
Sun Semisquare Venus
Sun Sextiles Mars
Sun Squares Jupiter
Sun Trines Saturn
Sun Trines MidHeaven
Sun Semisquare Chiron
Moon Squares Sun
Moon Sesquiquadrate Venus
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Semisquare Pluto
Moon Semisextile MidHeaven
Moon Semisquare Chiron
Mercury Opposes Uranus
Mercury Opposes Neptune
Mercury Trines Pluto
Mercury Opposes Ascendant
Mercury Sesquiquadrate North Node
Venus Semisquare Sun
Venus Sesquiquadrate Moon
Venus Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Venus Trines Uranus
Venus Trines Neptune
Venus Opposes Pluto
Venus Trines Ascendant
Venus Squares Chiron
Mars Sextiles Sun
Mars Opposes Saturn
Jupiter Squares Sun
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Venus
Jupiter Semisextile MidHeaven
Jupiter Semisquare Chiron
Saturn Trines Sun
Saturn Opposes Mars
Saturn Squares Pluto
Saturn Trines MidHeaven
Uranus Opposes Mercury
Uranus Trines Venus
Uranus Conjuncts Neptune
Uranus Sextiles Pluto
Uranus Conjuncts Ascendant
Uranus Quincunx Chiron
Neptune Opposes Mercury
Neptune Trines Venus
Neptune Conjuncts Uranus
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Conjuncts Ascendant
Neptune Quincunx Chiron
Pluto Semisquare Moon
Pluto Trines Mercury
Pluto Opposes Venus
Pluto Squares Saturn
Pluto Sextiles Uranus
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Sextiles Ascendant
Pluto Squares Chiron
Ascendant Trines Venus
Ascendant Conjuncts Uranus
Ascendant Conjuncts Neptune
Ascendant Sextiles Pluto
Ascendant Quincunx Chiron
MidHeaven Trines Sun
MidHeaven Semisextile Moon
MidHeaven Semisextile Jupiter
North Node Sesquiquadrate Mercury
Chiron Semisquare Sun
Chiron Semisquare Moon
Chiron Squares Venus
Chiron Semisquare Jupiter
Chiron Quincunx Uranus
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
Chiron Squares Pluto
Chiron Quincunx Ascendant